OIC.7 – Oncologic Imaging Course 2017.

7. izdanje kongresa "Oncologic Imaging Course - Best Practices and Future Trends in Oncologic Imaging: Pearls and Pitfalls in Everyday Practice
" održat će se u Dubrovniku od 29. lipnja do 1. srpnja 2017. godine.


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Slijedi  uvodno pismo organizatora:


As the incidence of cancer continues to rise and cancer care rapidly evolves, oncologic imaging comprises an increasingly large share of the daily radiology workload and continually presents novel challenges. The Oncologic Imaging Course (OIC) has now partnered with ESOI (European Society for Oncologic Imaging) to make the course even stronger and more relevant.

The goal of the course is to keep radiologists abreast of the latest changes in clinical practice and advances in knowledge affecting cancer imaging.  It gives them the key information needed to interpret imaging findings and produce clear, concise and clinically-actionable radiology reports.  Special features this year include “Emerging Applications” in oncologic imaging; such as response assessment in patients receiving immunotherapy; and the evolving role of radiologists in patient communication and interactions. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our 7th Oncologic Imaging Course, an interactive forum where you will be able to learn through didactic presentations, interactive sessions and lively discussions.


Yours Sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Christian Herold
Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Hedvig Hricak
Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Maximilian F. Reiser
Assoc. Prof. Daniele Regge

OIC 2017 Course Organiser



OBJAVLJENO: 26/01/2017