održava se 15-17. travnja 2016. godine u Vodicama u hotelu Olympia.
Više informacija možete dobiti na službenim stranicama sastanka. U nastavku slijedi službeno pismo organizatora:
Dear Friends,
I have a pleasure of inviting you to II Croatian neuroradiology meeting with international participation, to be held 15 – 17th April, 2016, in Vodice, Croatia. This year’s meeting will be a thematic symposium with plenary lectures by esteemed Croatian and international lecturers in the field of diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology of the spine, with emphasis on spinal canal and spinal cord disorders. A satellite session will deal with imaging protocols, especially CT and MR angiography of neurovascular patients, with a goal of standardization of image acquisition and transfer between different institutions in Croatia.
All participants are encouraged to submit papers which will be held in the form of electronic poster presentations.
We hope that this second edition of our scientific and friendly meeting will fulfill yours and our expectations.
II Croatian neuroradiology meeting with international participation
Date: 15-17 of April, 2016
Location: Hotel Olympia, Ljudevita Gaja 2, Vodice, Croatia
Official Language: English