13. Balkanski kongres radiologa

Održat će se u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina, 16-18. listopada 2015.

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Dear colleagues;


It is our privilege and honor to announce our Balkan Congress of Radiologists in Sarajevo, capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On behalf of the Balkan Society of Radiology, we openly invite you to BCR 2015, this time 13th Balkan Congress of Radiology, in Sarajevo, from October 16 – 18, 2015 at Hotel Europe. This meeting is the most important realization of the educational efforts of BSR throughout our region, and its organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a great source of excitement and pleasure for our fellow radiologists, both in our country and in the entire region.


Educational and scientific program will be covering all the aspects and disciplines of radiology with in-depth discussions especially in the most interesting topics of modern radiology. Besides lecture sessions, we will also arrange workshops, interactive sessions and scientific sessions. On behalf of BSR and the Local Organizing Committee, we would also like to invite you to submit your scientific papers and posters for presentation in scientific sessions and in digital poster presentation. With your help and highly valuable contribution, we are sure that the general quality of the discussions will increase tremendously.


We hope that participants will be able to discover Sarajevo, which is the cultural and historical center of the Balkan region. It is a beautiful city with turbulent history, Jerusalem of Balkan, the real place where east meets west. You will have the chance to breathe in the essence while walking through the traditional and modern streets of the city, and to explore the history of the different era while enjoying their reflections in present.


Balkan Radiology Congress is the most important meeting where the information exchange between our colleagues will be in the highest scientific level and nevertheless it should also be evaluated as an opportunity to strengthen the cultural and historical bonds.


We encourage all participants, radiologists, medical doctors to recognize the opportunity to meet excellent specialists and colleagues who will share with them their knowledge, experience and ideas.


Ass. Prof. Dr. Zulejha Merhemić
Congress president

OBJAVLJENO: 01/05/2015